Friday, January 28, 2011

Auburn Tigers Championship Season Video

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Aub Still Sick

I went to work today after staying and taking Aubrey to the doctor yesterday. Bad sinus infection was the diagnosis and antibiotics were prescribed. Chris stayed with her today but had to leave around 1:00 in order to make it to school for her brand new part-time job in addition to her teaching gig. That meant I had to leave early to make it home so Aub wouldn't be alone too long.

She seems a little better today and hopefully she'll be well enough to go back tomorrow. Lots of juice, meds and rest for her.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Time To Get Started

I've been trying to get motivated to blog for a long time now. My sweet wife does it all the time but I just can't seem to come up with anything interesting to say. It's not like I haven't written before. I used to write articles for my racing site, some of which were even published. 

I guess I got a bit burned out. 

I decided that this blog would not be limited to racing or Auburn football or foodie stuff...though all are passions of mine. This space will include anything that interests me. peeves...whatever. That may sound a little arrogant but it's not meant to be. It's just that, to keep myself motivated to write consistently, I will have to be inspired. 

It's not likely that you will read here about the latest government stimulus program or a review of Mr. Obama's latest speech. You will, hopefully, find something interesting; possibly about my NATIONAL CHAMPION AUBURN TIGERS!!!

Oops...sorry, that slipped out. 

Anyway, I hope you will stop by again. I will try to read your blog as well.

About Me

Concord, NC
Dad, Husband, Christian, Musician, Foodie and Auburn Tiger
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